advertising   testing.

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Clicks don't correlate with long-term advertising effectiveness.
Attention, branding, communication and motivation are better measures.   

Advertising effectiveness 

Effective ads build a brand over time by driving awareness and interest among target consumers. Brand Chek Advertising  testing evaluates four key effectiveness measures: attention, branding, communication and motivation to learn more or purchase.

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Feed-based advertising

Facebook and Instagram feed-based advertising offers outstanding reach, and a superior advertising venue. However, getting users to notice feed-based ads may be more difficult than advertisers realize. How would your ads score?

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Video pre-roll advertising

You Tube pre-roll ads are less vulnerable to content clutter. However, skippable ads must present effectively in just 6 seconds, and non-skippable ads run the risk of 'attention drift'. How would your ads score?

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TV and print advertising

TV and print ads usually get more attention than digital. However, because media and production costs are usually much higher, it's important to confirm effectiveness. How would your ads score?

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Accounting for media clutter

Media context is key to meaningful ad testing, as the ability to get noticed can vary widely by medium.

All Brand Chek tools are built to expose test ads in the context of media clutter.

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Communication vs. clicks

Click-through rates can correlate well with on-line sales in the short-term.

However, clicks are not the best way to evaluate the off-line effectiveness of ads longer-term.

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The problem with clicks.

Click-through rates usually correlate well with on-line sales in the short-term. However, if you want to evaluate off-line effectiveness of ads longer-term, clicks are not the right measure.

Facebook* has shown that ads with high click-through don't correlate with off-line success. Nieslen concluded that ads with high click-through rates don't correlate with off-line sales, ad recall, brand awareness, or purchase interest.

In order to gauge off-line effectiveness, you need to evaluate how well an ad breaks through the clutter to leave a motivating message with your target audience.